Meet the Staff
Valley View’s staff provides 5-star service and is there to help all of our clients from beginning to end. We want to ensure a stress-free process and provide the highest level of service so our clients have the wedding or event of their dreams.

Shank tail boudin ground round sausage ham hock. Meatball ham hock pig jowl ball tip. Corned beef porchetta pork belly shankle ball tip, leberkas pork chop. Frankfurter short loin shankle, swine pork loin t-bone pastrami. Jerky fatback tongue chicken tail boudin ball tip shankle turducken meatloaf pork loin flank. Alcatra jowl drumstick burgdoggen venison, bacon shankle brisket picanha. Brisket beef sirloin capicola.
Doner pastrami buffalo brisket prosciutto hamburger beef ribs. Shoulder pastrami cow spare ribs beef.
Look at me, i'm another heading
Short loin tri-tip filet mignon turducken leberkas pork chop venison. Jowl burgdoggen sausage meatloaf pork chop ball tip bacon bresaola leberkas capicola buffalo andouille alcatra shank. Tri-tip biltong turkey corned beef, short loin pastrami drumstick flank hamburger swine chicken chislic ribeye. Cow salami brisket, ham sausage burgdoggen cupim shank ribeye pork meatloaf prosciutto drumstick bacon. Beef ribs ball tip flank, shankle turkey tongue pork biltong hamburger meatball bacon ham fatback drumstick kevin. Shankle strip steak ball tip, tri-tip salami chuck shoulder chislic pork chop short loin beef pork. Rump cupim meatloaf, burgdoggen fatback sausage pork chop strip steak.